Thursday, February 10, 2011

"Claudia, DO SOMETHING!"

Within the last three weeks I applied and/or sent my resumé to four different prospective employers. (I'm doing a fifth, though it's not a track record to be engraved on a plaque.) I had a pre-interview with one but have heard nothing from the others. In the meantime, I find out a friend has an interview and another starts a new job next week.

My feelings are mixed - happiness with a touch of envy and pressure. At a young age I craved approval. Now as a "grown-up" I continue to want it at some level, this time with a job. I want a "professional" to tell me my skills are good enough. Thing is, I KNOW they are; my FRIENDS tell me they are; my CLIENTS are happy. These people, including me, matter. So, what the hell is my problem?

My friend, Michael, said, "Employment is just as much a sign of talent as grades are." True. I just don't want to be that friend. You know, the deadbeat who didn't do anything with his/her life. The one who somehow frustrates you because he/she didn't reach potential. Yeah, that friend.

While writing I've perked up. I don't necessarily need or want what others have; my long-life happiness isn't contingent on employment. (That's another blog for another day.) Right now though, I feel like comedian Margaret Cho when Wisconsin's Laotian community contacted her for help: "People are calling me and e-mailing me from there... going, 'Margaret, DO SOMETHING!'"


  1. Com join Union! Humanities needs an office manager....

  2. You aren't falling short of your potential. That never once crossed my mind. Not that I don't understand your desire or feelings, but you are far from professional atrophy. The job hunt sucks. And you're doing all you can do...keeping at it. I think you'll always be doing great things no matter where you are in life ;)

    P.S. Nursing is looking to hire an office manager too. I could put in a good word for you if you want, they contacted me about the position.

    P.S.S LOVE LOVE LOVE the new blog background! I want it! *pouts*
