Sunday, January 23, 2011

"Bump" Went the Night

I'm probably one of the silliest "adults" ever. I'm in my mid-twenties and still slightly afraid of the dark. That's why I shun horror movies or anything dealing with the supernatural. Growing up in a superstitious culture has its toll.

Tonight I remember descending into deep, deep sleep. Everything was slowly fading but a noise made me come back. There's the cause, but why? I know these sounds: creak, thunk, rattle; they're floor, the breathing house, and window, respectively; they don't usually bother me.

I turned on my bed lamp and looked around. There was my stuff, right where I left it. I "bravely" got up and looked around my apartment. I even looked under my bed. (Ridiculous, I know.) Nothing. The closet was clear too, though that particular place has been a constant source of worry since childhood. Somehow that baggage stayed with me. I couldn't sleep for three days after watching Coraline because I faced my closet. That was two years ago.

I tried to go back to sleep but my overactive imagination and the night's ability to magnify sound were against me. These times make me wish for someone to protectively snuggle against or a roommate. It's the whole "strength in numbers" mentality.

Right now I really want to close my eyes and get some rest, but I'm scared of something I don't know about. Maybe I'll wait 'til morning to do that. Or maybe I'll leave the light on, something I also used to do as a kid.

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