Tuesday, April 5, 2011

NaPoWriMo Attempt

A friend told me about NaPoWriMo. I Googled it and found a daily prompt site. I'm not really participating but decided to try April 3's response poem suggestion.

Those of you unfamiliar with "The Walrus and the Carpenter" should check it out before reading mine, as well as "Life Was Supposed to Be." (Apologies to Mr. Lewis Carroll for stealing items from the walrus. Joe, thanks for the inspiration.)

"Life is more," The
Wordbender said.
I thought,
"Quite true indeed."

There was a time
I had new shoes,
And on a ship
sail boiling seas,

When our dreams came
from sealing-wax
instead of serving cabbage
to the king.

Forty-two seems far
away in a foggy space
that makes us look
and nothing see,

But the walrus hasn't
Eaten us yet, and
I somehow believe
pigs do have wings


  1. I'm honored that I was able to serve as some inspiration. And I like the result. The end made me think of "Pigs in Heaven", a book by Barbara Kingsolver. Maybe I should read it again...
