I FINALLY watched "Up". The advice I continued receiving was, "If you can get through the first 10 minutes you'll be OK." I braced my emotions as best possible while the film opened with a black and white news reel.
First 10 minutes? Ha! My feelings took a roller-coaster ride, dipping into sadness one scene and climbing to amusement or joy the next. Somehow I made it through the entire thing, frazzled and exhausted.
I sobbed quietly on the outside but I was a torrent inside. It was for abandoned dreams and plans of events and places. I recalled with pain friendships gone adrift or completely lost. I wept for the to-do lists many of us create but are forced to discard when friends are no longer there because X or Y.
Friendships come, go and change. However, I always hope to have you to share this ride called life with. That's how I know in the end I will be able to successfully fill my adventure book.